
On the behalf of the ITC 2025 committee, we would like to invite your participation and support of the 60th annual ITC Event on October 20-23, 2025 at the Horseshoe Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas, NV.

The theme for ITC 2025 ” – AI – To Improve Test & Evaluation”

ITC takes pride in addressing the wide range of topics important to the telemetry professional. The exhibit areas showcase the latest systems, and technical sessions lay the groundwork for tomorrow’s systems. Numerous short courses are available to help practicing professionals stay current in their fields.

Committees discuss the challenges of new technology, standards, security, and even the political aspects of securing and protecting the spectral resources we need. If there is a system, technology, theory or standard a telemetry professional needs to do their job, we make a place for it at ITC.

We hope to see you at the Premier Event for Telemetry Professionals!

ITC 2025 – Call for Papers

New in 2025! We have a procedure to accept CUI papers.

We invite authors to submit original research papers, case studies, and novel implementations that contribute to advancing telemetry through innovation and integration.

Requested topics include:

•Machine Learning for Telemetry Data Analysis 

•AI-Driven Sensor Calibration and Fusion 

•Autonomous Systems and AI-Enabled Control 

•AI-Driven Telemetry Compression and Transmission 

•Cyber Considerations for AI TM 

•Advanced Machine Learning Models and TM 

•Standardization with Open Telemetry 

•Machine Learning for Telemetry Data Compression 

•Data Quality and Noise Reduction AI TM Methods/Models 

•AI and Real-Time TM Processing 

•Model Complexity and Interpretability 

•Edge Computing and Resource Constraints 

•Adaptability to Dynamic Environments

Abstracts must be submitted by March 21, 2025. Acceptance notification and instructions will be sent by April 17, 2025. Final manuscripts — not exceeding 10 pages in length — are required by Jun 30, 2025. Formatting guidelines and templates can be found here. 

Important 2025 dates!

March 21 Abstracts Deadline
April 17 Acceptance Notifications
June 30 Final Manuscripts Due

Thank you to our 2024 Sponsors!

Raven Defense

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