Mr. Ferrill has a BS and MS in Electrical Engineering and has been around flight test data analysis for over 30 years. He serves as CTO for Avionics Test and Analysis Corporation, a woman-owned small business specializing in providing engineering expertise to help solve complex data analysis problems. He’s written hundreds of articles over the years for publications like Datamation, Federal Computer Week, Information Week, InfoWorld, Network Computing, Network World, PC Magazine and is the author of two books.
Course Date
Monday, October 20th
Thursday, October 23rd
Course Description
With the proliferation of Ethernet as a data transport on multiple commercial and military aircraft and weapon systems it is becoming even more important to get a basic understanding of how to analyze Ethernet data. This course will start with an introduction to the OSI model and lay out the basics that make up Ethernet traffic. Then we’ll look at the open source Wireshark program and go through a crash course in using it to examine different types of Ethernet traffic. We’ll also examine wireless traffic and how it differs from traditional wired Ethernet. Finally, we’ll look at using the Python programming language along with several libraries to actually analyze and decode data embedded in Ethernet traffic.
About Paul Ferrill

About Jason Berry

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