Thursday, October 26th
Gene Hudgins, KBR, TENA/JMETC
Course Description
TM often requires operators to be on location with receive system(s) or at a remote console, resulting in TDY for operators and possibly a shortage of operators to support all scheduled operations. A remote-control capability along with centralized data collection could eliminate existing personnel requirements at both the local antenna site as well as the control facility, greatly reducing operational costs and providing insight to system status. TENA and JMETC, along with Big Data tools and techniques, allow for the most efficient use of current and future TM range resources via range resource integration, critical to validate system performance in a highly cost- effective manner. This presentation will inform the audience on the current impact of TENA, JMETC, and BDA on the T&E community; as well as expected future benefits to the range community and the warfighter.
About Gene
Mr. Gene Hudgins works for KBR as Director of Test and Training Environments and supports the Test Resource Management Center’s (TRMC’s) Test and Training Enabling Architecture (TENA) Software Development Activity (SDA) and Joint Mission Environment Testing Capability (JMETC) as the lead for the TENA and JMETC User Support Team. Since October 1998, the Central Test and Evaluation Investment Program (CTEIP) has overseen the development of TENA – which drastically improves range interoperability and resource reuse among DoD range systems, facilities, and simulations. As a key member of the TENA SDA and JMETC Program Office, Gene is responsible for Distributed Event Coordination, Design, and Integration. Gene also manages TENA training and Range Commanders Council coordination. Gene is an active member of the International Test and Evaluation Association (ITEA) and recently served as President on the Executive Committee of the ITEA National Board of Directors (BOD). Prior to this work for the TRMC, Gene worked on Eglin AFB as an Instrumentation Engineer and Department Head. Gene has a Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical Engineering from Auburn University (War Eagle!), a Master’s Degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Florida (Go Gators!), and an MBA from the University of West Florida.