Nomination Guidelines
The Pioneer Award is presented in recognition for outstanding achievements in and contributions to the field of telemetry. Recipients should be well recognized outside the membership of the IFT. Nominees should be selected not only because of recognized achievements, but also for recognized leadership, support of, and service to the telemetering community
IFT Pioneer Award Winners are at the forefront of the telemetry field. Past recipients have demonstrated continual leadership and innovation in moving our highly technical field forward at high speed. Their efforts have advanced the state of telemetry and its constituent areas to significant benefit of the greater global telemetering community. The International Foundation for Telemetering takes great pride in their technical and organizational leaders and with great respect and awe thanks these Pioneer Award Winners.
The process for nominating a person for the IFT Pioneer Award is as follows:
- Nominations are accepted from the general public.
- The Nomination package will consist of a Nomination Justification Letter (1 page) signed by the person nominating the nominee and any other endorsement or attachments up to 10 pages.
- The Nomination packages are due to the IFT Awards Chair ([email protected]) by 15 March annually.
- The IFT Board will review the nominations at the Spring IFT Board Meeting and select based on the packages submitted.
- One Award is offered per year. Nominations not selected can be re-submitted the following year.
- The Award will consist of a Plaque and certificate and be presented by the Conference General Chair at the ITC General Session.